Our Service

Bril­liant idea — but no clue about promotion?

Stich­w­erk thinks that young entre­pre­neurs — espe­cially in the cre­ative sec­tor — are not suf­fi­ciently advo­cated. To counter this fact Stich­w­erk offers a bonus to every entre­pre­neur whose busi­ness ven­ture is less than three years old.

Stich­w­erk aid

Stich­w­erk aids cre­ative or excep­tional projects by charg­ing 20% less.

The lack of expe­ri­ence
prompts the young to efforts a con­ver­sant man would never perform.”

Jean Duché (*1916), french publicist

Free drink

The first meet­ing is free — drink included! A demon­stra­tive idea is preconditioned. :)

Pay­ment by installments

We offer you an install­ment plan for amounts exceed­ing € 3000,–.

Web­site, Blog or Community?

We con­cen­trate on the essen­tial: a web­site which can live up to set tar­gets. After set­ting the goals with you we cre­ate a con­cept to achieve these goals.

In addi­tion to the advice and cre­ation and mar­ket­ing of your web por­jects we offer you:


We work with you on prob­lems with your web­site. You don’t know how to change some­thing? We would like to help you — even if you don’t know any­thing about HTML or CSS.

Sin­gle day sessions

We iden­tify prob­lems and oppor­tu­ni­ties of your web­site. We would love to pro­vide advice with our long last­ing expe­ri­ence in design and search engines optimisation.

Train­ing and fur­ther education

We share our expe­ri­ences in online design with you and your team so you can make bet­ter design choices.

Our knowl­edge

Amongst other things we offer you our knowl­edge in the fol­low­ing areas

  • XHTML Strict / CSS
  • HTML 5 / CSS 3
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • Drafts and Prototyping

Stich­w­erk assists you and your team in con­vert­ing your ideas and con­cepts into estab­lished con­tent man­age­ment sys­tems or websites.

We make a great prod­uct out of your idea!

Web mar­ket­ing

You don’t know how and where to adver­tise your web­site prop­erly? No Prob­lem.
Don’t worry, just tell us your des­ig­nated tar­gets and we analyse if it’s pos­si­ble to reach these goals under given cir­cum­stances. Stich­w­erk also aids you with spec­i­fy­ing goals!


We at Stich­w­erk try to make our­selves clear for every­body, we don’t use sen­tences like:

“With enough uniques we can increase the pager­ank by 10%, given that the linkbuild­ing gives us enough visits.”

Why online marketing?!

Don’t wait for the cus­tomer to dis­cover your prod­uct — we help you to bring your prod­uct to the customer.

The web offers the oppor­tu­nity to place ads only for inter­ested con­sumers. In this way you don’t neet to pay for con­sumers which aren’t even inter­ested in your prod­uct — less adver­tis­ing expense.

Why Stichwerk


Our tar­get is to have a deep under­stand­ing of your busi­ness idea, your prod­uct, your line of busi­ness and your goals.

After gath­er­ing all infor­ma­tion we need we start design­ing a con­cept, decide which tech­nolo­gies will be used and pre­pare a bud­get.


We review the con­cept with you and start devel­op­ing. In cycles of one or two weeks we present you with the project sta­tus and invite you to give feed­back so we can fin­ish the project to your com­plete satisfaction.

Nat­u­rally, we are avail­able with our know-how any­time.


We present you with the fin­ished prod­uct and check if we reached the goals. We train you in using your soft­ware and under­take the task of doing main­te­nance if required.

Now we start mar­ket­ing actions and pos­si­ble fur­ther devel­op­ments. Your require­ments may change over time and when this is the case, your soft­ware will too.

What the agency provides

Stich­w­erk fea­tures custom-tailored web projects and guar­an­teed qual­ity. It is no prob­lem to incor­po­rate your sug­ges­tions even after design­ing the con­cept. We cre­ate web­sites who do not only look pretty on the first page but who also invite the user to stay longer.

Work­ing method with our clients

It is easy for you to keep track of the project. This is due to our agile work­ing method who allows us to work in one to two week cycles. You can see the progress after each cycle — and sug­gest changes if necessary.

Cus­tomer focus

Cus­tomer focus is impor­tant for us and our clients. We at Stich­w­erk develop ideal and indi­vid­ual solu­tions for your project. “A main site with some sub pages” is outdated.

Net­work & Teamwork

With a diver­si­fied team of devel­op­ers, design­ers and mar­ket­ing strate­gists we are able to develop cost-efficient, with a high degree of qual­ity and fast due to dif­fer­ent time zones.


It is pos­si­ble for you to chose a favoured web or graphic designer from our port­fo­lio who will then work exclu­sively on your project.


In spite of dif­fer­ent cul­tural back­grounds and skills all our employ­ees are char­ac­terised by exper­tise, cred­itable­ness and their love for design.


Each employee works in a com­fort­able and quiet ambiance which allows him to take some time off and think about the cur­rent project.

We allow our employ­ees to develop freely at their work­place. Per­son­nel devel­op­ment and sat­is­fac­tion is impor­tant for keep­ing Stichwerk’s high qual­ity standard.

Get a job, nerd!

Your are moti­vated, deter­mined, ambi­tious and ready for new tasks? Write us at getajob@stichwerk.at.
We can offer you the fol­low­ing options:


You are expe­ri­enced with the web and you know what “online mar­ket­ing” is?
Your are flu­ent in both spo­ken and writ­ten Eng­lish? We look for­ward to your application!


You want to be a Stich­worker?
Don’t hes­i­tate to write an application!

Cor­po­rate culture

It is our com­mu­ni­ca­tion, our cul­ture and our team­work who allow us flex­i­ble processes and our devel­op­ment. We put a lot of work in our­selves to get bet­ter and Stich­w­erk allows us this indi­vid­ual and cor­po­rate evo­lu­tion. We con­stantly try to reduce unnec­es­sary bureau­cracy, use­less meet­ings and there­fore expenses — all this so we can focus on what we do and love: great design. This cor­po­rate cul­ture allows us not to go astray and to con­cen­trate on our work.

Pric­ing strategy

We invest in good equip­ment, good devel­op­ers, good design­ers and good strate­gists. Not in unnec­es­sary man­age­ment processes.

Think big!

We want to make each project great — we don’t just “do our jobs”. “Small” projects are very impor­tant for us as well.

Think green

Envi­ron­men­tally friendly equip­ment and a min­i­mum of paper­work doesn’t only con­serve the envi­ron­ment but also sim­pli­fies the way we can work with you.

Apple and the envi­ron­ment


When you need a three day course for the oper­a­tion of your web­site then your CMS is bad, not you.

New tech­nolo­gies

To guar­an­tee max­i­mum per­for­mance it is our con­cern to choose the most fit­ting tech­nol­ogy for your project.


You can only mea­sure qual­ity when you com­pare. We are geared to the stan­dards of W3C and Google — and adhere to these guidelines.

Contact Stichwerk

Busi­ness Hours

Mo-Fr (09:00 − 13:00)
UTC/GMT +1 hour

Terms and Con­di­tions

Social­ize with us

Snail Mail

zH Mario Jan­schitz
Glock­en­spielplatz 5
8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Get in touch

To send us a message or just to say hello, please complete the form on the right or contact us via details listed above. We'll get back to you asap.